Espresso Example
This is an example provides each of the lanes
that can be utilized within your Fastfile
for your iOS apps.
Upload app and test runner to Sauce Labs storage
desc "Upload app and test runner to Sauce Labs storage"
lane :upload_to_sauce do
lane :upload_to_sauce do
@app_id = sauce_upload(platform: 'ios',
app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa',
file: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa',
region: 'eu',
sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'],
sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'])
@test_app_id = sauce_upload(platform: 'ios',
app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa',
file: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa',
region: 'eu',
sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'],
sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'])
Install latest version of Sauce Labs toolkit saucectl runner executable
desc "Install Sauce Labs toolkit dependencies"
lane :install do
Install specific version of Sauce Labs toolkit saucectl runner executable
desc "Install Sauce Labs toolkit dependencies"
lane :install_toolkit do
install_saucectl(version: '0.86.0')
Create saucectl configuration for test runner
desc "Create saucectl configuration for test runner"
lane :generate_sauce_config_test_runner do
sauce_config({platform: 'ios',
kind: 'xcuitest',
app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa',
test_app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa',
region: 'eu',
devices: [ {name: 'iPhone 11'}]
Create saucectl configuration for Xcode Test Plan
desc "Create saucectl configuration for Xcode Test Plan"
lane :generate_sauce_config_test_plan do
sauce_config({platform: 'ios',
kind: 'xcuitest',
app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa',
test_app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa',
region: 'eu',
test_plan: 'UITests',
devices: [ {name: 'iPhone 11'}]
Create saucectl configuration for Xcode Test Plan with sharding (parallel execution) enabled
desc "Create saucectl configuration for Test Plan"
lane :generate_sauce_config_shard_test_plan do
sauce_config({platform: 'ios',
kind: 'xcuitest',
app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa',
test_app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa',
region: 'eu',
test_plan: 'EnabledUITests',
test_distribution: 'shard',
devices: [ {name: 'iPhone RDC One'}, {id: 'iphone_rdc_two'} ],
Execute UI tests on sauce labs platform
The below lane will execute tests based on your configuration (config.yml
desc "Execute UI tests on sauce labs platform"
lane :execute_tests do
Delete apps from Sauce Labs storage
If you have these tests running in a continuous integration environment that may be executed one to many times per day, I suggest deleting apps from storage post test run, so that you do not run into any storage issues later down the line. The below lane can be used to delete test runner and application apk’s.
desc "Delete apps from Sauce Labs storage"
lane :delete_apps do
delete_from_storage(region: 'eu',
sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'],
sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'],
app_id: @app_id)
delete_from_storage(region: 'eu',
sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'],
sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'],
app_id: @test_app_id)
Putting it all together - example
```ruby # This is an example fastlane file in order to demo how you would use this plugin minimum version number required. # Update this, if you use features of a newer version fastlane_version "2.82.0" platform :ios do before_all do |lane, options| upload_to_sauce end desc "Execute ui tests using real devices" lane :ui_tests do install generate_sauce_config_test_runner execute_tests end desc "Install Sauce Labs toolkit dependencies" lane :install do install_saucectl end desc "Upload app and test runner to Sauce Labs storage" lane :upload_to_sauce do @app_id = sauce_upload(platform: 'ios', app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa', file: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa', region: 'eu', sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'], sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY']) @test_app_id = sauce_upload(platform: 'ios', app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa', file: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa', region: 'eu', sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'], sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY']) end desc "Create saucectl configuration for test runner" lane :generate_sauce_config_test_runner do sauce_config({platform: 'ios', kind: 'xcuitest', app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa', test_app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa', region: 'eu', devices: [ {name: 'iPhone 11'}] }) end desc "Create saucectl configuration for Xcode Test Plan" lane :generate_sauce_config_test_plan do sauce_config({platform: 'ios', kind: 'xcuitest', app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App.ipa', test_app: 'SauceLabs-Demo-App-Runner.XCUITest.ipa', region: 'eu', test_plan: 'UITests', devices: [ {name: 'iPhone 11'}] }) end desc "Execute UI tests on sauce labs platform" lane :execute_tests do sauce_runner end desc "Delete apps from Sauce Labs storage" lane :delete_apps do delete_from_storage(region: 'eu', sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'], sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'], app_id: @app_id) delete_from_storage(region: 'eu', sauce_username: ENV['SAUCE_USERNAME'], sauce_access_key: ENV['SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY'], app_id: @test_app_id) end after_all do |lane, options| delete_apps end end ```